Friday, June 9, 2006

XGL With Dual Monitors

Dual monitors (Twinview) works with Dapper and XGL for an Nvidia Card.

Instead of using Dapper's repository for compiz, I pointed to Quinn's repository.  I mixed the instructions from and

You need the Universe and Multiverse repositories as well as either one of the following two non-Ubuntu repositories:

deb dapper main
deb dapper main

If you need help with adding repositories, please see AddingRepositoriesHowto.

The packages in Quinn's [WWW] compiz repositories can be gpg authenticated. If you want to be able to check the packages against QuinnStorm's [WWW] gpg signature, import her key by typing the following command in a terminal:

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0x31a5f97fed8a569e 
gpg --export --armor 0x31a5f97fed8a569e | sudo apt-key add -

Upgrade all the packages that Quinn's repository suggests and reboot.  Currently I am using the forums suggested thefuture script, but I will be modifying and editing the ubuntu wiki page listed above once it all settles down.

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