Monday, July 28, 2008

Gwibber is my new Microblogging Client for Ubuntu

Gwibber in Launchpad

I'm really excited about a new Twitter/ client for my Ubuntu workstation.

Take a look at this screenshot:

To install gwibber on Ubuntu.

1. Install bzr python-cairo-dev and python-simplejson

sudo aptitude install bzr python-cairo-dev python-simplejson

2. Go to a workspace folder.  This command will download the sourcecode from in a folder called gwibber

bzr branch lp:gwibber

3. Follow the install instructions

sudo python install

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Microsoft's User Migration 3.1

Here is how I implimented Microsoft's User Migration.  I think it works pretty well and it wasn't obvious from the documents how this would work.
REM Here is how to create the custom configuration XML files used in the real script.

REM "%programfiles%\USMT301\scanstate" \\servername\user_migration\%computername% /o /targetxp /ue:adminsitrator /i:\\servername\user_migration\config.xml /l:\\servername\user_migration\%computername%_saved_log.txt /v:1

REM Make sure to Install .Net 2.0

REM Install User Migration 3.1 tool (same version on before and after machine)

REM "%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe" /i "\\servername\user_migration\User Migration\InstallUSMT301_x86.msi"

REM This will create and save all users profiles to a folder named after the computername.

REM Before wiping computer, make sure you have some data.  This tool will create empty directory structures even on failure.

"%programfiles%\USMT301\scanstate" \\servername\user_migration\%computername% /i:miguser.xml /i:migapp.xml /i:migsys.xml /targetxp /v:13 /l:\\servername\user_migration\%computername%_saved_log.txt /all


Then after 5-10 minutes I go to the next machine or reimage the current machine.
@echo on

REM Make sure that you have User Migration 3.1 installed on new computer

rem "%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe" /i "\\servername\user_migration\User Migration\InstallUSMT301_x86.msi"

REM This will ask for input and put it into the %computer% variable

SET /P computer=Enter the computername of the old computer you want to load:

"%programfiles%\USMT301\loadstate.exe" \\servername\user_migration\%computer% /i:miguser.xml /i:migapp.xml /i:migsys.xml /v:13 /l:\\servername\user_migration\%computer%_to_%computername%_restore_log.txt /all /c


This will create folders with profile data and log files with both the save and loading process.  If you don't see a -/|\ (Rotating asterisk) you won't have anything successful.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Flash 10 on 64-bit Ubuntu 8.04

Download and untar it.

I copied it to ~/.mozilla/plugins (after creating directory)

nspluginwrapper -v -a -i

Restart Firefox 3.